Cayin CS-100A (KT88)
€ 4,298.00
The new Cayin Audio CS-100A dual-mode tube amplifier delivers 80 watts per channel in Class AB Ultra-linear mode and 50 watts per channel in triode mode. Designed for flexibility, it features a built-in bias meter and can operate with KT-88 or EL family tubes, connected via internal silver wiring for optimal performance. The amplifier uses a 6SN7 tube for voltage amplification, 12AU7EH for phase inversion and voltage amplification, and 12BH7EH for the drive stages, with KT-88 or EL-34 output valves. A soft-start circuit protects internal components and extends tube life, while premium components such as a high-quality Alps volume control, audio capacitors, carbon film resistors, and high-power transformers ensure superior sound quality and longevity.
Availability: In stock