Online store

HD-multimedia recommends online shopping through our web shop. All goods we sell in our webshopin we have in stock, which means that your order will be shipped to your address via GLS very soon after ordering. In case of selection fast delivery, The goods usually arrive within 3 business days. For more information about selling through our web store, please visit Business conditions

Visit our showroom

 For customers who are interested in seeing the equipment which we sell through these pages, we invite you to visit our showroom located in the very center of Zagreb. Please arrange a visit in advance by phone or contact form.
Possible times for your visit - weekdays from 5-7pm, Saturdays from 10am-1pm.
HD-multimedia, Trg JJ Strossmayera 5, HR-10000 Zagreb.
Phone: +385 99 806 0160

Service and collection of ordered goods

HD-INFO doo, Svetice 23, HR-10000 Zagreb.
Phone: +385 1 2333-686
Opening hours: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM on weekdays. Reception of clients by prior arrangement.

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